Holes in My Tree

I think it's always good to take stock of where you are, when you are engaged in a long-term, complicated project. Tracing your family history falls into this category.

Below are the current missing immediate nodes of my family tree:
  • My great-great grandfather - partner of Harriet Herndon (1867-1911); father of Florence, Julia and Alice (Oxford, Granville County, North Carolina)
  • Asabery Thorp (sp?) (I know his name, but nothing about him) - father of Harriet Herndon (1867-1911) (Granville County, North Carolina)
  • My g-g-g grandfather - partner of Eliza Cross (1815-1902); father of Amanda and Garrison/Gaston (Arkansas or Texas)
  • My g-g-g grandparents - parents of Samuel Lucas (1871-?) (Wadesboro Township, Anson County, North Carolina)
  • John Sheppard and Pennie Rollins (I know their names, but nothing about them) - parents of Thomas Rollins (1860-1935) and Benjamin Rollins (1851-?) (Pitt County, North Carolina)
  • Fed Crisp and Frankie Griffin (I know their names, but nothing about them) - parents of Jonas Griffin (1819-1898) (Martin County, North Carolina)
  • My g-g-g grandparents - parents of William Fayton (1866-?) (Chowan County, North Carolina)
  • William Davis and Annie Davis (I know their names, but nothing about them) - parents of Sarah F. Davis Fayton (1869-1929) (Chowan County, North Carolina)
  • My g-g-g-g grandfather - partner of Tena Livingston (I know her name, but nothing about her); father of Dennis Anderson (1842-?)
And of course I'm also missing almost everything past the 4th generation! So much more work to do.


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